Can Civilization and Constitution Coexist?
Have you ever thought what keeps a civilization alive? Not just functioning, but thriving, irrespective of the flow of time. Is it the paper that forms a constitution, or is it something different, something far older, something abstract, something d...

Should Human Privileges Be a Birthright or Earned?
Lately I have been thinking about something, its about people, the way they live, the way they move through the world, and the question of what entitles someone to the rights and privileges of being a human. Now before going further, I would like to ...

The Complementary Duality of Reason and Faith
Sometimes it’s surprising to recall that we as humans can hold two seemingly contradictory ideas in our mind and and find both of them meaningful. I am referring to Reason and Faith, some people think that they both are opposing ideas of each other, ...

The Hidden Influence of Images
Let’s talk about images, those thumbnails and visuals that we see every day, and how they quietly may create a bias. Now, whenever we scroll on our news feed or social media, say - YouTube, Instagram, Twitter etc. we see a bombardment of eye-catching...

The Role and Purpose of Dreams
Dreams as a concept has intrigued thinkers since the consciousness first perceived it, questions like what is it, why it happened puzzled them for a very long time. With the passage of time many cultures around the globe started conceptualize it, for...

Finding Balance in a World of Excess
This age in which we are living is an era of abundance, we have everything around us in way more quantity than human evolution has ever seen. Yet instead of becoming advantageous to us, this is back firing, but why? As it turns out, humans of this ti...